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Donate Today

Your donation to St. Joan of Arc parish helps us to build and maintain our vibrant and inclusive Catholic community.

The wonderful work of our parish is made possible through the generous support of our parishioners.

There are 3 ways to donate to the St. Joan of Arc parish:


  • Pre-Authorized Giving

  • Parish Offering Envelopes

  • and CanadaHelps

Parish Offering Envelopes

If you wish to make your contributions through weekly cash offerings, envelopes will be provided. Please let the office know when you register for the parish, and they will be provided to you.

Pre Authorized Giving

This program assists parishioners in making their regular offertory donations to their parish by direct debit. Parishioners can also choose to pledge monthly or yearly donations to any of the Special Diocesan Collections or parish fund (i.e. ShareLife, the Shepherds’ Trust, Building & Maintenance, etc.).


Monthly authorized donations are automatically withdrawn from your bank account and are deposited into the parish bank account. This helps us with consistent and regular support from our parishioners. It also makes it easier for you to contribute to your parish.


This program helps you to make your donations to the parish weekly, monthly, or just a one-time donation. The transfers are made, however you set them up! You can also earmark special collections in the parish. Like PAG, it helps us to know that we will have a steady income and can keep the parish and our projects functioning.

Please note: CanadaHelps issues its own tax receipts, and your donations will be separate from donations made to the parish via PAG or envelopes.



Our Liturgical celebrations gather our diverse faith community to hear the Word of God and share in the Eucharistic table of the Lord. You will find a unique atmosphere of fellowship and welcome at each of our Mass times, and we hope you feel at home here.




1701 Bloor St. West

Toronto, Ontario

M6P 1B1

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