Religious Education
The St. Joan of Arc Religious Education program aims to provide Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and Sacramental initiation for older children.
Children in public schools, private schools and the neighbouring Catholic schools are welcomed into the program each year.
The program relies solely on volunteer catechists. Should you be interested in volunteering, we welcome your support! Please send an email to religioused@joanofarc.ca with a copy of your resume.
Classes take place in the church building on a weekly basis during the program length. Please review the specific sacramental offerings below for more information on each of the programs offered.
Registration for all programs is held in September, with a class start date in October.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which adults are welcomed into the Catholic Church. It involves a period of study, reflection, and spiritual formation, culminating in the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation, typically at the Easter Vigil.
First Communion
First Communion is a sacrament in the Catholic Church where a person, usually a child, receives the Eucharist for the first time. It represents the reception of Jesus Christ’s body and blood in the form of bread and wine, symbolizing spiritual nourishment and unity with Christ. This sacrament typically occurs around the age of seven or eight, after a period of preparation.
Confirmation is a Catholic sacrament in which a person, usually a teenager or young adult, receives the Holy Spirit through anointing with oil and the laying on of hands by a bishop. It strengthens the individual's faith, deepens their bond with the Church, and empowers them to live out their Christian beliefs more fully.
R.C.I.C. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children) is a process for children, typically over the age of seven, who are seeking to become members of the Catholic Church. It involves instruction in the faith, preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation, and culminates in their reception of these sacraments, usually at the Easter Vigil.
Anoiting of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick is a Catholic sacrament offered to individuals facing serious illness, surgery, or old age. A priest anoints the person with oil and prays for healing, strength, and peace. It provides spiritual comfort, forgiveness of sins, and, if God's will, physical healing.
Catholic baptism is a sacrament that marks the initiation into the Church, cleansing a person from original sin. It involves the pouring or immersion of water while reciting the words, "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Baptism is essential for salvation and can be received by infants or adults.
First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation is a sacrament in the Catholic Church where a person, typically a child, confesses their sins to a priest and receives absolution. It marks the first time they experience God's forgiveness, restoring them to grace and preparing them for the Eucharist. It is often celebrated after a period of preparation and instruction.